Tuesday, January 12, 2010

picture 12 - a sad sign

The for sale sign went up on Marie and Edwin's house today. They've been good neighbors, and even better friends! I was thinking that if I see potential buyers out side, I might just have to break the news to them that the house is haunted. And, now is a good time to go ahead and start that stinky compost pile right next to our adjoining fence. It's not like I don't want them to move or something.....On to the other picture posted. Just a picture of a tiny itty-bitty bird I saw when E and I were out on our walk today. I wanted to get closer but was afraid he would fly away. Was also using that pesky manual focus lens that I am forcing myself to use so I can get better at focusing quickly. He was just so cute, kept jumping in the water and back out, but was so fast I just couldn't catch him. Looks like in this pic I just barely got part of a wing extending. Better luck next time!


  1. it's always sad when a good neighbor moves. hopefully they won't move far away so you can still get together and bake cookies and have playdates. and you never know, you may get to be great friends with the new family!

  2. Aw, It'll all be okay. :) LOVE the compost pile idea by the way.

  3. lmao.... haunted house... as soon as you see potential buyers just tell them "oh, mexicans live 2 houses away, this is ghetto" lol
