Monday, January 18, 2010

Pic 18 - soup of the day

It's 5:00 in the evening. Doug is at the dentist, odd time for a dentist appointment, but that's where he is. I pre-heat the oven, pull out the ingredients for dinner. Baby is sitting in bouncy seat on kitchen table, crying and fussing. My nerves are a little thin, as they usually are this time of day. Well, crap. I don't have a can of cream of chicken soup, need it for the recepie. Look out window, neighbor is not home. Contemplate going in her house and borrowing a can, as I know the garage door code, but decide that's stealing. Call Doug's phone to have him get some on way home from dentist, it goes straight to voicemail. Come on, baby, in your car seat you go. Why is he only wearing one sock? Throw blanket over him to hide his feet; not so much because I think his feet - I mean, foot - will get cold, more so I don't look like a loser bringing my baby out with only one sock on. It's 70 degrees outside, he'll be fine. Quicker to throw the blanket on him than to search for missing sock. Baby still crying, where is that paci? Got paci, on way to store, baby is quiet. Carrying baby across parking lot; nice man in store pushes a grocery cart towards me. Wonder if I look as harried as I feel. Where is that soup aisle? I left the oven on at the house, gotta find that soup...Wait, this is the seasonal aisle, ergh. WAIT - are those Reece's Peanut Butter Hearts? My kryptonite! Hurry, soup aisle is next one over. Glance down, what is that white stuff on my shoulder...oh. How long has that spit up been there?! Grab baby blanket and wipe off. Sorry baby, here's your blanket back. Score, soup is on sale! Ten cans for ten dollars! Feel like I'm playing the grocery game but I'm not! Put 8 cans in basket. Why only 8, I don't know. Check out at store, get home. House has not burned down. Baby has fallen asleep in car seat. I get back to fixing dinner. Doug comes in. I sigh and tell him how I had to go get soup. Pull wishbone from the chicken, ask if he wants to make a wish and pull. I can't think of a wish! Pull anyway. I get bigger piece, go figure. Told Doug he could have the wish since I didn't think of one. Ask him what he wished for. He said Less Frazzled Wife. It worked! Thank you honey. Ended evening with a good dinner, even better since it had the required can of soup in it.

P.S. That Reece's Peanut Butter heart I devoured in the car on the way home sure was good.

P.P.S. Ok, ok, I ate two! they were awesome.