Left the camera at mom's house last night, so couldn't download yesterday's picture until today. Yesterday, Doug left for Aberdeen, Scotland. He goes there about 2 times a year for work. This tag on the suitcase was leftover from a previous trip. I was fortunate enough to meet him over there in October of 2007, it was such an awesome trip! I still love looking through those pictures in the scrapbook. I am so very glad we just paid the money and enjoyed traveling pre-baby. Feel very fortunate and blessed we were able to do that; being able to travel has always been a dream of mine, and it's so incredible to me that I've been able to travel to five different countries, all with the love of my life!!! (Peru in 2005, Jamaica in 2006, Scotland and the Netherlands in 2007, and Italy in 2009) The downside to his travel this time however is that I'm a single parent for the week! It's just been a day and a half but I'm exhausted, and don't know how those single parents of babies survive. Mom babysat yesterday while I went to a baby shower, and she came over today for dinner (and to give me back the forgotten camera). I am so blessed, truly blessed, to have my family close by. Having mom for company tonight was great! Speaking of my mom, that leads to my second picture. The shoes. Mom just insisted that baby E needs shoes! I have to admit I was rolling my eyes at her in the store. I mean really, shoes for a four month old? But I have to admit, they are so stinkin' cute I can't stand it. He wore them to church this morning and I had to show people as they went by - "look, he's wearing shoes today!" Thankfully the folks at church are used to me by now. So they obliged by looking and making the appropriate oohing and ahhing. I didn't get a good pic of the shoes on the baby - by the time I was taking pictures, he was in a bad mood and crying. When he's more up for it, will have to take another pic of him wearing his new footwear. Will be neat to hold on to his First Pair of Shoes - I'm sure in the not too distant future I will be marveling at how small they are and can't believe he actually wore those!! Thank you mom!
now you see why i'm a little nutty (okay, nuttier) when james is gone for 1+ weeks! if you need any help this week, call. we can always meet at memorial city to break up the routine. love the new shoes. i have all three of each kid's first pair!
ReplyDeleteI remember the white high-tops as the first shoes - I guess they will come later when tiny steps begin...these little brown 'keds' will have to do until then.