Wednesday, February 3, 2010

pics day 33 and 34: playgroup/dogs are bored

Yesterday, we started our playgroup - neighbor Marie with daughter Gisele, and friend Jaime with daughter Addi. Giesele is 5 days older than Eli, and Addi is 4 months older. We met at Marie's, and funny enough, Gisele was still napping, so she missed a little of the playgroup. I enjoyed it because (a) I love talking to other moms (ok, I love talking in general), and (b) it's great stimulation for the baby. I brought the camera but didn't get that many pictures, need to try a little harder next time. Here is one of Eli and Addi.

She likes to get up close and he's not sure what to think of that. When he's crawling, I'm sure he will do the same thing!

At least I got this cute pic of this cutie! Next time gotta make sure to get Gisele too.

So, today - am so very tired of the rain and dreariness! Even the dogs are bored. So, the next pics are just my dogs - looking bored on this rainy day.

Maggie decided she didn't like the camera so retreated up the landing to the safety of being near Lucy.

And, one last angle. As if the last few pictures were not enough. Woof!

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