Saturday, April 24, 2010

What are the odds?!

Remember this picture from my post about antique shopping about a month ago?
Doug posing by the...uhhh...interesting lamp.

WELL. Listen to this. Or I guess Read This. On Saturday, Doug and I had a day date (for our anniversary), while Mom watched E back at home. We had lunch at the Ruggles grill in the Village.

Here I am enjoying my sugar free lemonade. Forgot my camera, so forced to use the phone camera. My least favorite kind of camera. Anyway....after lunch we walked around antique shops on Westheimer. And lo and behold what do we see......


What are the odds there are two of those lamps in existence? The guy who bought the lamp was actually there, so we were able to ask him about it - and sure enough, he bought it earlier in the month out in Warrenton. Pretty funny huh! It's following us!!!

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