Friday, February 17, 2012

Trying to Find My Blog-ibility

I've been MIA from posting on my blog for quite some time now. So much as been going on, it's hard to know where to begin, how does one play "catch up?"
Our new baby is doing wonderfully, faboulusly, and any other positive made-up word that Words with Friends would accept as gospel truth. One of my biggest fears (besides knowing what to do with her hair), had been, Does She Know I'M the Mamma? That is no longer a fear. We have totally bonded. I love how my heart melts looking at her sweet brown eyes, and when she smiles at me - forget it. I would give her the moon if I could. Lately I have just become overwhelmed with the love I have for both of my children. I love how Eli still snuggles with me, and how a kiss from Mommy can instantly heal any boo boo. Now that Analise sleeps through the night, I feel like life can resume somehow - now that I am getting on a more "normal" routine with sleeping, I can try getting my other routines back in order. Blogging (I used to love it so much!). Going to the gym on a regular basis (definitely more of a challenge now, making sure everyone is fed, clean diapers, etc. before leaving). Doing some craft projects. Moving into digital scrapbooking.

Something else that has been a crushing weight on our whole family these past two months - my brother in law has asked my sister for a divorce. The incredible sadness we all feel over his poor choices, how it's affecting his family, our family - well, it just plain stinks. I'm really struggling with how God's will and Man's Free Will interact, how to reconcile those ideas in my head. I've been doing my best to support my sister and the kids during this time - it's so hard, watching the people you love smash to a thousand pieces as you help them try to sweep up and pull it back together. There is so much I could blog about, so much I want to say - but out of respect to their family, I will refrain. This is a significant event that deserves mentioning - and we do covet all prayers right now for sure, so if you are reading this, please send up prayers to our loving Father, ok? thanks.

So, I will close out this entry for now. I have taken tons of pictures since my last post (no surprise), so I will do a few more entries with pictures.

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