Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Heart for Analise

We learned through our adoption agency that it's a good idea to let children who are adopted, know they are adopted from the get-go. They even suggest putting pictures, etc. about adoption in the nursery.

 I love the "adoption creed" that I have seen in various places on the net: "Not bone of my bone, or flesh or my flesh, but still miracously my own; never forget for a single minute, you didn't grow under my heart, but IN IT." Not sure exactly who to credit for that, but I've seen it lots of places.

Lately I've been exploring cutting out vinyl with my cricut machine, and decided to make some artwork for Analise's room.

I bought a 20x20 canvas at Hobby Lobby (I'm sure I used a coupon!), and spray painted it a light yellow.

I then cut my letters out of brown self-adhesive vinyl, using the Alphalicious font (one of my favorite fonts!).

I have to admit, I hate measuring. I just eye-balled my placement of the letters, making them slightly "wonky" on purpose - I don't think they needed to be completely straight. I couldn't include the words, "a single" so just used "a minute."

I found some packages of pre-made flowers in the scrapbook aisle, and bought 5 packs of them. This was a splurge for me, because they were not on sale, and I only had the one coupon! But I was on a mission to complete this project, so I just bought them.

I was going on a scrapbook retreat, leaving later in the same day that I bought my supplies - so that morning, I painted the canvas, and cut out my letters. So once I was at the retreat, I was able to put it all together!

Here it is:

Here is a close up of the flowers! I wish I could say I made them, but - nope. No shame in buying them already made! Just used hot glue to stick them on the canvas.

Here is a close up of the letters. Now I do have to say - the letters did not like sticking to the canvas. I didn't do any research on how I could make them stick better. They are still re-positionable. But, none have fallen off, even though I meant to go back over them with modge-podge or something.

So that's it! The whole project wasn't that expensive at all - just the flowers really. I am so excited to have a personalized piece of art for my super precious daughter!!!


  1. Wonderful piece, Cheryl! Analise is soooo precious and blessed to have you for a mom!! We definitely need one of these for our daughter! (she is 13 and is coming home sometime in April!!!)I recently heard this quote as I have been searching for a way to document our soon-coming daughter's journey.Call when you have a much to share:) Miss you,
