Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mom's Bathroom "Remodel"

My mom has lived in her house since 1965. Unfortunately, the bathroom attached to the master bedroom has kept its original look all these years. The master bathroom (I hesitate calling it the "master," because it's so tiny!!) has a stand up shower in it, while the hall bathroom has the shower/tub combo. In light of mom's knee surgery, we figured it would be better for her to use the shower in the master bathroom so she didn't have to step over the side of a tub. For various reasons, she had not been able to use the master bath shower for a number of years now. As we were thinking about her shower, I got the bug to get rid of the wallpaper and paint her bathroom. I've wanted to do that for years now actually, as the wallpaper had started peeling, and was, well, VERY outdated. It's just not been a priority - but while mom was in rehab, she relented and agreed that we could "re-do" her bathroom.

Now, for a lot of people, a re-model conjures up visions of granite countertops, new fixtures, new tiles - all the bells and whistles. This particular bathroom update was big on LOVE, but not on budget. During the first part of the week (while mom was working on he knee in rehab), I did some patch work and primed the room; this took a few days, as there's only so much work that can be done with a toddler running around. By Friday, my sister was able to come spend some quality time at mom's, and helped finish painting. On Saturday, Phil and Doug helped finish out the touch ups, putting back fixtures, that kind of thing - and on Sunday, I put on the finishing touches. Definitely a group effort! So, drumroll please, here are my pictures!

The BEFORE pictures:
Now, the work begins:

the 40plus year old paper tore off in huge sheets. Didn't even have to scrape glue.

Funky little hole by the shower floor....

That I patched!

Also put back this tile that had come off.

My little helper.

Not sure how this is "helping"....

All primed!

Used spray texture for the walls - loved it! First time using spray stuff, we really liked the end result. Took about 3 cans though.

Yay for reinforcements!

Getting the color up on the wall....

Ta-Da! I found this cute mirrored shelf at Home Goods; we brainstormed a place for towels, and came up with hanging a basket on the wall. The grab bars have been in the bathroom for years (to help Dad, who had MS), so we left them, knowing they would help mom with her recent knee surgery.

Replaced her old mirror with this neat framed mirror (also from Home Goods!) and two cute plates from Hobby Lobby.

We still need a shower door, but it has to be custom ordered so that will take a while.

All in all, we were all so pleased with the results- and most importantly, Mom loved it!! We were all so happy to do this labor of love for our mom. No one deserves it more than my mom!!!

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