Sunday, July 31, 2011

Stuff I Want To Remember

Being the avid scrapbooker-preserve-history person that I am, one would think I have every one of my child's milestones thoroughly and carefully documented. I don't. In fact, whatever you read here on the blog regarding E's milestones, that's it. I use this info in his scrapbooks, but lately, I realize I haven't recorded much of what he's been doing! I want to print out this blog (eventually) to have in book form, so I know at least these milestones are recorded somewhere!!! Now that he's almost two, here's some stuff I want to remember:

This afternoon, I was in here on the computer, while Doug and Eli were in the den area. Suddenly I heard a great clattering in the kitchen area. I dashed in there, to find Eli holding a small frying pan, and three steak knives at his feet on the floor. Doug had asked him to go get a towel, not thinking E would really understand that direction - but he DID. He went straight to the kitchen, and pulled the towel on the counter, on which sat the frying pan and steak knives that had been hand washed earlier and were set there to dry. When he pulled on that towel, they all came crashing down of course. No harm was done thankfully! Once the shock wore off, Eli then took his towel, went to the den, and began trying to wipe up the spilled drink on the floor, just like his Daddy had asked him to!

Eli has not been wanting to eat lately - or rather, he doesn't want to eat what is placed before him at mealtimes. For example, he was eating his cereal snack in the car on the way home from church, and once we were inside, he just wanted that and not the sandwhich I had fixed him, or the fruit. So he ate dry cereal for lunch. I know toddlers go through strange eating phases, but, I really want him to get a nice variety of fruits and vegetables, you know, so he can GROW and have brain development and all that good stuff! I find this eating thing very annoying. Anyway. Doug and I sat down to eat dinner on Saturday evening, at the table. We didn't call E over to the table, as he had already refused to eat a little earlier. We said our prayer over the food as usual, and began eating. Eli must have realized we were eating without him, because he came running into the kitchen and climbed onto his booster. He then reached out his hands to each of us, indicating it was time to pray! I thought that was so cute. So, we said a prayer again and gave him a little something to eat. Which now I can't remember if he ate or not. Most likely  he threw it on the floor, which leads to my next story.....

Every mealtime at the table, Eli ends up throwing his plate or bowl or whatever onto the floor. Sometimes I think he's frustrated with it (tonight, had a hard time scooping up the beans with his spoon), sometimes I think he just doesn't want it, sometimes he's just playing with it - the list goes on. It's so frustrating to me! I hate the waste of the food, and also that he's not eating balanced meals! I hope I look back on this and laugh at myself. I'm sure he will turn out fine, but right now in the moment, I find myself frustrated over his sudden disinterest in food. And, it's really hard to "reason" with a toddler to get him to understand NOT to throw his food. We make him clean it up, put his bowl or plate in the sink, sometimes sit in time out - but so far, nothing is deterring this behavior. Sure hope he outgrows this soon!

He's learned to imitate "night night" and "ove u" for "Love You." I LOVE hearing him say these things, sooooo sweet. He also likes to leave out middle consonants, so he's taken to calling me "mah-ee" instead of "moMMy." I feel like he's ordering up a seafood dinner, as he usually likes to say it over and over "mah-ee mah-ee mah-ee."

He's starting to tell us when he pooped in his diaper. Gross, gross, I know, but it's still a milestone. I want to wait until after he's two to start potty training; I've also heard it's good to do potty training when nothing else is going on in the child's life that might cause stress. Since he starts Mother's Day Out in September, I'm not sure when will be a good time to start the training - I want him to get used to that first. And then I wonder, well if we get our baby sometime in the next few months, that will REALLY throw him off, so potty training may have to wait a bit. We'll just have to see.

The activity level has jumped tremendously!! He's definitely an (almost) two year old. In the evenings when he's getting tired, he fights sleep by getting MORE active. He loves to start dumping out all his toys and pushing his wagon and toy shopping cart around. While I'm taking a shower in the morning, he loves to open and close the doors to the bathroom, closet, and bedroom, and loves taking everything out of the lower drawers of my jewelry armoire. He also likes throwing stuff over the banister to downstairs.

He found my new lipstick sitting on the kitchen table and made a few slash marks on the white dog's fur before I caught him. Bye, bye new lipstick. Thankfully it was a cheap one.

He also loves to say "da-ee" too (notice the missing middle "d"). Doug likes to be the one to pick him up from the church nursery on Sundays, as Eli will come running to him, saying "da-ee!" over and over.

Hearing a few more phrases and new words being imitated, such as "I get it" and "mine." The speech therapist in me has been coming out lately, really encouraging and modeling words for him, especially when he is making requests for things. He much more readily says "peese" than "thank you," but it's coming.

Lately he's been wanting to nap and sleep with his toy cars. We've let him. I haven't seen the harm in it (yet). They don't keep him up, he just lays them next to him and goes to sleep. In the morning, I find them in the room next to his crib or behind his crib. I think when he wakes up in the morning he pushes them between the crib slats. Yep, he's still in a crib. Not sure when to transition to the Big Boy Bed. Most people tell me not to rush it. He seems fine in his crib so we're just leaving that alone for now.

It's so hard not knowing when we will get our phone call from the adoption agency about our future child! I know that will rock Eli's world - and our world too of course. So things like potty training, moving to a big boy bed, maybe changing bedrooms - all this new stuff getting ready to happen on the horizon! Thankfully lots of people have been on this road before me and can give advice.

That's the main stuff I can think of for now! As exasperated as I get sometimes, my love for my little critter just grows and grows. It DOES feel like time is kinda of going in a fast forward motion.....

Friday, July 29, 2011

Hijacked ice cream!

Doug thought Eli just wanted a small taste or bite of his skinny cow icecream bar, but Eli had other plans.....

He had no intention of giving it back.....

Lovin' this grin!!!!

Getting messier, and messier.....Mommy and Daddy keep laughing, and laughing....

See how he so nicely gave me the remains??! Good thing our couch is made of microfiber material, that stuff cleans off very easily!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sweet pictures

Towards the end of the evening last week, I heard Eli jargon-ing (my own, made up speech therapist kind of word), and when I went to see what he was doing, I found this:

He carefully balanced one of his shoes on top of daddy's shoe....and then....

...balanced the other shoe on top of mommy's shoe.

I though this was the cutest thing ever!

Another sweet thing. Last week, Doug surprised me with these pretty flowers - he said they really reminded him of me. So sweet.

Love how my new camera lens is working out!

New Camera Lens

Since one of my camera lenses broke, I finally bought a new lens - a fixed 35 mm, 1.8. Very fun. Although, I'm not used to having to be so close to my subject! Here is the night we first bought it and some practice pictures.

Taking pictures in the car. I LOVE this one!

Honking daddy's nose while in line at Freebird's burrito place.

This is the next afternoon, at Orange Leaf (self serve yogurt place). You'll have to overlook my poor choice of white balance (ok, messed up white balance). Check out those little round things in Doug's yogurt, they're like fruit pieces, but the roll all around in your mouth and hard to bite! I find them fascinating.

Just messing around in the yogurt shop. This is also within walking distance of our house.

They even have a play area for the kiddos.

And, just to leave you with a lovely picture of myself....

Fourth of July

I love living in a master planned community. I love living across the street from two nice lakes and a big park. And I really love that one of the community Fourth of July festivities is held RIGHT THERE. This is actually the first year that Doug and I have walked over to check it all out! They have a parade for the kids to ride bikes in, as well as ride in wagons. You can decorate up your bike and/or wagon, and there's a contest. There's even a contest for best dressed-up dog. They sold hotdogs and sno cones, had inflatables, a DJ, and a train that went on the sidewalk around the lake. (The line to ride that train was waaaaay too long, and thankfully Eli really didn't notice it, so whew, were saved from that one). We got there just in time to jump into the parade route and pull eli in his wagon through the neighborhood. Next year, we'll definitely have to decorate up our wagon! Here are some pictures from the day:

Walking over to the festivities....

I totally think this dog should have won in the dog category....

Walking in the "parade"

We ran into some neighbors, who so kindly took this picture of us.

Eli playing with the bubble machine in this wagon that was decorated to look like a secret service car!

The DJ started a line dance in the park area, so of course I had to grab E and go try it out for a while....

It's raining, it's pouring....well, not pouring...just getting wet....

WHEN will this drought end?! I don't ever remember going this long without some good 'ol rain. Every once in a while we'll get a little bit of rain, but not enough to really make much of a difference. I've been wanting it to rain at least a little bit so Eli could try out his "new" umbrella. A couple of months ago, we were visiting my mom, and went to visit a neighbor down the street. Renee has lived on the street as long as my mom has (43 years!), so we've known her a looooong time. She randomly gave us her son's umbrella from when he was little. Renee is from Germany, so she was proud to tell us how this umbrella is a well made, German umbrella. It really IS well made, you can't even tell that it's probably close to 40 years old! She said her son didn't want it (what is it with males not being sentimental about things??? Eli sure better be sentimental about these scrapbooks I make him! He WILL, I tell you, he WILL...) So, back to a recent summer day. It actually drizzled outside, just right for walking around in with a little umbrella. At first, Eli didn't understand how to hold the umbrella, but once his little friend came out holding HIS umbrella, Eli caught on. Of course I had to run in and get the camera! So, enjoy the pictures....

What I like about this picture is seeing the little feet sticking out from under the umbrella....

This is my favorite picture. Might need to enlarge this and stick in a frame somewhere in the house....Isn't it funny about photography and "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." I'm sure this is not a favorite of most people looking at these pictures, but there's something about it I just really like.....

My Little Artist

It has been so bloomin' HOT outside, we've spent a lot of time indoors lately. I bought Eli some fingerpaints - but, he wasn't so into using his fingers with the paint, so I found some brushes in my craft stuff that he could use. They were pretty small but we made do! Just the other day I bought him some bigger brushes, but we haven't been back to our art activity yet. He really seemed to enjoy painting, and of course his crafty-lovin' mamma had to join in.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ready, Set...BLOG!

Finally!!!! My computer has been messed up for quite a while so I couldn't blog. Thankfully Doug was able to tinker and get blogger to let me upload pictures, so, I have quite a bit of catching up to do.

Month in review:

June was spent neck-deep in completing adoption paperwork and meetings. And, starting the Great Clean Out Closets Project of 2011. My sister came to help, and she ended up falling through the ceiling. Yes, falling. THROUGH. the. ceiling. She went up in the attic, and I stayed downstairs/on the ladder, handing her things to put up there. There is a weird spot that LOOKS safe to step, but it's not, and she literally crashed through the ceiling and landed in the study, on the floor. Her arm and shoulder still hurt, but other than that, she was fine!!!! On the plus side -over the course of two Fridays, we managed to get all of my scrapbook and craft stuff into the spare room closet! I took three VERY full car loads to Katy Christian Ministries, and still have a little more cleaning out before we can have a nursery space and Eli "big boy room."

I finished our family scrapbook for the adoption agency, and was so glad to have a 40% off coupon for Shutterfly so I could get two copies made at a decent price. Our home study went just fine. Jan was here from about 10 a.m. until around 3:30 or 4. We did a lot of talking about our marriage, views on discipline, that kind of thing. My sister brought Eli home around 3ish, so Jan could meet/see him. He was like this perfect little angel while she was here! He was in a really good mood, and just played nicely with his toys while the adults talked. I was so proud of him. So now, it's just a waiting game. It's a weird let down in a way - June was such a whirl wind of getting everything submitted, and now, we just.....wait. Wait for a birth mom to choose us. Having no idea when that is going to happen is killing me!!! A true reminder for me, every day of just turning over my anxiety and worry to God, knowing and trusting in God's plan for our family, and that His plan will come to fruition in HIS timing.

So, now just trying to live life normally, but at the same time, do some preparation for a baby to come. We found a really nice crib on Craig's List, so bought that last weekend. I also bought some formula and newborn diapers. It makes me feel more connected to the process to be preparing in some way!

We went to the local Fourth of July celebration across the street from our house, over at the lakes. We pulled Eli in the wagon for the parade - next year, will definitely have to decorate the wagon! Because of the drought, firework sales were banned, and truthfully, I was so ok with that. I hate when people set off fireworks in the bayou behind our house, and the neighbors who love to set them off in the street in front of our house. I'm always afraid of fire! And, our dogs hate them.

Since it's been so incredibly hot outside, we haven't spent a ton of time outside. We try to still for a short walk in the afternoon, or around the small lake after dinner just so we can get out. But this heat stinks!!!

Now that I've done some basic catching up, I will do some other, picture filled posts this afternoon after church. I do have a lot of pictures to share and am looking forward to posting those!

See you again real soon!